1-The Healthy Aging Decade 2020-2030 AD,( عقد التمتع بالصحة فی مرحلة الشیخوخة 2020-2030م), Preliminary Draft, World Health Organization, June 2019, p.1.
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3-The previous reference, p.5.
4-Khalil Ibrahim Abdel Razek, The Role of Social Service in Alleviating the Elderly’s Social Relationship Problem from the Viewpoint of Social Workers Working in Elderly Care,( دور الخدمة الاجتماعیة فی التخفیف من حدة مشکلة العلاقات الاجتماعیة للمسنین من وجهة نظر الأخصائیین الاجتماعیین العاملین فی مجال رعایة المسنین), Al-Aqsa University Journal (Human Sciences Series) Volume 20, Second Issue, June 2016 AD, (ISSN 2518 - 5810) , P. 327.
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7-The previous reference.
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11-The Healthy Age Decade 2020-2030 AD ... a previously mentioned reference, p. 1.
12-The previous reference, p.5
13-The Holy Quran,( القرآن الکریم), Surat Al-Israa, the two Ayat (23, 24).
14-Khalil Ibrahim Abdel Razek, The Role of Social Service in Alleviating the Elderly People’s Social Relationship Problem ..., a previously mentioned reference, p. 325.
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18-Ahmad Muhammad Ibrahim Ahmad Al-Shall, a descriptive study of some of the problems facing the elderly in one of the villages in the Dakahlia Governorate .... -, a previously mentioned reference, p. 1479.
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23-The Situation of the Elderly in the OIC Member Countries,( وضع المسنین فی الدول الأعضاء فی منظمة التعاون الإسلامی), OIC Outlook Series, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries, OIC, June 2015, p.15.
24-Nashhat Edward Appealed, Economic Generosity for the Elderly, .. Previous reference, p. 190.
(25),(26)Population and Development Report ... Aging with Dignity in the Arab Region, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia "ESCWA", ... a previously mentioned reference, p. 95.
27-Damim Fatima, the economic and social impacts resulting from the new demographic context ... a reference already mentioned.
28-Global Economic Outlook: Cyclical Recovery and Structural Change: Surveys of Global Economic and Financial Conditions,( آفاق الاقتصاد العالمی ..انتعاش دوری وتغیر هیکلی: دراسات استقصائیة للأوضاع الاقتصادیة والمالیة العالمیة), International Monetary Fund, Washington, 2018, p.115.
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31-Facts about Sweden..care for the elderly,(حقائق حول السوید..رعایة المسنین), the Swedish Institute, www.sweden.se/ar, September 2012, p. 1.
32-The previous reference, p. 3.
33-Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Aging,( تقریر الفریق العامل المفتوح العضویة المعنی بالشیخوخة), United Nations General Assembly, Third Working Session New York, August 2012 p. 14.
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36-Programs and Services to Help Philadelphia Residents 60 Years and Over,( برامج وخدمات لمساعدة سکان فیلادلفیا من سن 60 عامًا وما فوق), Philadelphia Association for the Aging (PCA) www.pcaCares.org, June 2020, p.1.
37-The previous reference, p.9.
38-A guide to improving aged care services in your community .. Building capacity to meet the needs of aged care emerging in culturally and linguistically diverse societies,( دلیل لتحسین خدمات رعایة المسنین فی مجتمعک .. بناء القدرة على تلبیة احتیاجات رعایة المسنین الناشئة فی المجتمعات المتنوعة ثقافیاً ولغویاً), Commonwealth of Australia data, Department of Social Services, Australia, 2015, p.53.
39-The previous reference, p. 54.
40-The previous reference, p. 79.
41-The Situation of the Elderly in the Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC Outlook Series ... Previous Reference, P.2
42-The previous reference, p. 5.
43-The previous reference, p. 4.
44- Biljilali Mohamed J. Tlemcan and others, Caring for needy elderly persons in Algerian social protection systems,( رعایة الأشخاص المسنین المعوزین فی نظم الحمایة الاجتماعیة الجزائری), Journal of North African Economics, Issue Fifteenth, Second Sixth, Algeria, 2016, p.94.
45-The situation of the elderly in the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ... a reference previously mentioned, pg. 26.
46-The previous reference, p. 35.
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48-The previous reference, p. 41.
49-Sabah Saheb Al-Mostoufi, financing health services in Iraq, ... a reference already mentioned. Pp. 157.
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52-The previous reference, p. 78.
(53),(54)The Reality of the Elderly 2016, (واقع المسنین 2016م ),National Center for Statistics and Information, Sultanate of Oman, October 2017, p.33.
55-Saleh Mahrous Muhammad Muhammad, Homes for the Elderly in Civil and Governmental Egypt between Reality and Expectations,( دور المسنین فی مصر الأهلیة والحکومیة بین الواقع والمأمول) ,Abstracts of the works of the First Scientific Conference of the Elderly Science Institute, "The Elderly People are Crowns on Our Heads: Strategies and Procedures", National Institute for Elderly Sciences, Beni Suef University, May 2017, p. 113.
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57-The previous reference, p. 7.
58-Saleh Mahrous Muhammad Muhammad, Homes for the Elderly in Civil and Governmental Egypt, Between Reality and Expectations, ... a reference previously mentioned, p. 113.
59-Aging in the Arab Countries: Research, Policy, and Development,( التعمر فی البلدان العربیة : البحوث، السیاسات، التنمیة،) ,Center for Studies for the Elderly, Beirut, Lebanon, November 2009, p. 7.
60-Nicholas Barr, The Pensions Mystery ... Basic Requirements and Policy Choices in Designing Pension Systems,( لغز معاشات التقاعد..المتطلبات الأساسیة واختیارات السیاسة فی تصمیم نظم معاشات التقاعد), Economic Issues, No. 29, International Monetary Fund, Washington, 2002, p.8.
61-Muhammad Jaber Abbas Muhammad, The Role of University Partnerships in Social Marketing for Elderly Services: A Study Applied to Members of the Teaching Staff and Leaders at Aswan University,( دور الشراکات الجامعیة فی التسویق الاجتماعی لخدمات المسنین: دراسة مطبقة علی أعضاء هدیئة التدریس والقیادات بجامعة أسوان), Abstracts of the Works of the First Scientific Conference of the Institute of Elderly Sciences "The Elderly People are Crowning Our Heads: Strategies and Procedures", the National Institute for Elderly Sciences, Beni Suef University May 2017, p. 159.
62-The previous reference, p. 160.
63-Asma Sayed Hassan Khalil, Participatory Planning for Human Services Organizations in the Field of Elderly Care,( التخطیط التشارکی لمنظمات الخدمات الإنسانیة فی مجال رعایة المسنین), Abstracts of the First Scientific Conference of the Institute of Elderly Sciences “The Elderly People are Crowning Our Heads: Strategies and Procedures”, National Institute for Elderly Sciences, Beni Suef University, May 2017, p. 29.