Strategic Planning of Business Development in Health Care.



Hamad medical corporation, Doha, Qatar.


All kinds of businesses, including those in the healthcare industry, may be guided by strategic planning, which is a legitimate and practical technique. The size, complexity, and level of differentiation of the service supplied by the unit determine the organizational level at which the strategic planning process is applicable. The SP process is divided into a series of stages that follow one another, although it is understood that making progress may necessitate going back to an earlier phase to adjust it. Various titles are given to distinguishable phases across the available literature. In this article, I’m trying to describe the process and steps which enable us to formulate an appropriate strategic business development plan in the health care sector.


Strategy in the 21st Century :

Traditional approaches to strategy that were the drivers of performance are not leading many companies and organizations on the paths of mediocrity and failure because the the21st-century environment is radically different from the pre-21st century. Strategy is required more than ever before. Organizations seeking sustainable survival must employ radically different approaches to strategy, strategic planning, and execution . (1) Companies and businesses that are serious about high performance, enduring success, extraordinary performance, and outstanding financial results must throw out traditional approaches and make massive to complete overhauls to the ways they approach strategy, strategy formulation, strategic planning, and strategic execution. The world has changed, and companies and organizations must change with it. (7). The soft drives the hard. The invisible creates the visible. Strategy drives performance. (6)Performance Creates Results. Very few organizations do not have effective instruments for judging potential strategic planning facilitators and instead over-rely on what each candidate tells them plus experience.

Concepts  :

1-Strategy:  a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim:

"Time to develop a coherent economic strategy"(1)

2-Strategic planning is a process in which an organization's leaders define their vision for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives. The process includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realized so that the organization can reach its stated vision.

Strategic planning typically represents mid- to long-term goals with a life span of three to five years, though it can go longer. This is different from business planning, which typically focuses on short-term, tactical goals, such as how a budget is divided. The time covered by a business plan can range from several months to several years.

The product of strategic planning is a strategic plan. It is often reflected in a plan document or other media. These plans can be easily shared, understood, and followed by various people including employees, customers, business partners, and investors. (7)

3-Business development:

 Theactivity of pursuing strategic opportunities for a particular business or organization, for example by cultivating partnerships or other commercial relationships, or identifying new markets for its products or services.

Our organizations are conducting strategic planning periodically to consider the effect of changing business, industry, legal and regulatory conditions. A strategic plan may be updated and revised at that time to reflect any strategic changes. (6)



Why Should Healthcare Organizations Use Business  Strategic Planning?

Does it Matter?

Limited resources for production. This factor needs little explanation, and even less in times of severe economic crisis. A possible response to this situation is the increased obligation to allocate resources on a rational basis, allowing only the best and most efficient HOs to remain. Focus is shifted from the product or service to the client. The focus is no longer solely on the quality of the product or service,(5)It focuses on how this is transferred to the client and the experience. HOs no longer simply focus on carrying out the processes to the best of their ability, but on achieving patient

Customers who are less loyal, more demanding, and able to make choices. If we assume that patients are the only clients of a health organization (HO), it seems obvious that the HO will treat patients in the future who are more knowledgeable, aware of their rights, demanding, and capable of choosing their healthcare provider—a choice that has implications for the HO's ability to raise money. (9)

We have Three strategic aims that will support the development of the following:

• Improving understanding of safety by drawing intelligence from multiple

sources of patient safety information (Insight).

• Equipping patients, staff, and partners with the skills and opportunities appropriate environment to improve patient safety throughout the whole system (Involvement).

• Designing and supporting programs that deliver effective and sustainable

change in the most important areas (Improvement).


Healthcare Business Development Process:

1-Start at the end.

 Identify the goals you would like to achieve with your business process. Focus on increasing your product's quality, efficiency, or cost. This should be a more general vision of your hopes for your company’s future. (3)

Consider the future of your company and where you would like to be in the next 1 year and 5 years.

2-Avoid setting too many goals.

  • Determine the order of the necessary activities. 
  • It is helpful to create a flow chart of the entire process, listing each activity in order and linking it to the next part of the process.
  • Start with the premiere event leading to your goal. Draw a circle around this activity.
  • Draw a line to a box and fill that box with the first activity required to work from this premiere event to your goal.
  • When you reach a moment that requires a decision, draw a diamond around the question which must be posed. Two lines should proceed from this diamond leading to the activity driven by this decision.
  • Link each activity sequentially. Some may run simultaneously through different departments within your business.
  • Culminate in the activity which reaches your goal and draw a circle around this conclusion. (13).


3- Activating Smart Goals:

With the development of information technology, the concept of smart healthcare has gradually come to the fore. Smart healthcare uses a new generation of information technologies, such as the internet of things (lot), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, to transform the traditional medical system in an all-around way, making healthcare more efficient, and more convenient, and more personalized (10).To introduce the concept of smart healthcare, in this review, we first list the key technologies that support smart healthcare and introduce the current status of smart healthcare in several important fields. Then we expound on the existing problems with smart healthcare and try to propose solutions to them. Finally, we look ahead and evaluate the prospects of smart healthcare. (3)

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time attainable



4-Perform a SWOT Analysis:


Figure:(1) SWOT Analysis.




Figure : (2) factors That impact the strategic planning


Important Tools for strategic and Business development :


1-Sample of Swot Analysis questionnaire Adopted by Sulaiman,2022.


Demographic Data





Work Experiences:

What are your Strengths?

competence in tasks

Best Revenue Sources

Higher-level Intellectual Property

Customer & Client Service

Overall Performance

 What is your Weakness?

Inferior skills Quality

Lower Quality of Intellectual Property

Poor performance

Organizational Culture

Constant Revenue Losses

 What are your Opportunities?

Current services need

Customer Demographics

Political Changes

 Economical/financial needs.

Relationship with Distributors

 What are your Threats?

Current risks

 Demographics issues

Political Changes

Service Economy

Relationship with Internal & external agencies, and units.

A-What is your other feedback that is not mentioned above?


B-what are your expectations about the services?


C-Do you have any Recommendations?

Yes        No

If Yes mention -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Figure :(3) Strategy implementation model .

 Model of strategy implementation in MSME, whereas a leader is responsible for the strategy creation. (11)We are suggesting this model for strategy implementation as it could connect and interpret all processes.


Figure :(4) strategy Evaluation Model .

It is an original framework of a strategy evaluation tool that could be used by decision-makers in evaluating the outcomes.


 3-  Follow-up program :

We will work to achieve the most effective and sustainable regional delivery model with better coordination between health care  facilities and Improvement  teamwork styles .(3)


Table : (1 )Follow up sheet


Not achieved



Next Action /procedure


Recommendation    &

























4-Strategy implementation :

The phase of strategy implementation helps to undertake strategic choices toward strategic objectives and goals of a business organization within the business environment, it is the fourth phase of the strategic management process. The phase of strategy implementation desires a business organization to have clearly defined strategic goals and objectives, allocated either finance or human resources whereas employees should be motivated towards the strategic goals and objectives in addition to the invention of internal policies of a business organization (11). The process of strategy implementation consists of various steps. To begin with the most important one, the business organization should have established strategic goals and objectives in the first phase of the strategic management process. Strategic goals and objectives are defined for three years and more from the day of establishment of strategic goals or objectives, therefore they are defined as strategic. Every goal and objective, which is defined for a shorter period is a so-called operational goal or objective (6). Furthermore, the strategy implementation phase consists of the preparation of budgets, creation of the effective structure within a business organization, development of strategy-collateral culture, usage and development of information technologies, redirection of marketing force, and lastly affiliation of employee reward to performance of the business organization. (7)

Who Should Promote Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations?

After Assignment by higher administration, the Administrative and managerial, and clinical teams will work collaboratively to support and develop the strategic plan under the supervision of the leaders. (2)

The leaders can and should rely on their teams to create the plan and can also receive assistance from third parties (consultants). However, neither the team nor consultants can replace their initiative when analyzing the current situation. (3)

creating a shared vision of the desired future and identifying the best way to close the gap between reality and desired plans that cannot be purchased. However, methodological support can be purchased to develop the strategic plan. The executive board that does not plan (or buys a plan) is failing in its most fundamental task. (2)

Crisis management is defined :as a series of steps an organization performs to deal with a catastrophic event. one of the pillars of our business development plan :

By: (12)

1-    identify Risks, threats, needs, and requirements.

2-     timeframes deadlines.

     3-Collect Appropriate data.


     5-find out Alternatives, and solutions.

    6- decision making and reporting

Below is an organizational structure and administrative management team for QIP unit  :





















Figure :(5) structure and administrative management team for QIP unit  

Application example:

Table: (2) framework structure









Executive Director

Supervising all sections and facilitating difficult tasks for the section

Which could be




General Hospital

Studies Analysis Office.



Section Manager.

Head of Patient Safety and Risk Management Section.

Head of Quality Improvement Section.

Head of Education and Training Section.


Administration Manager

Executing the tasks that are concerned with the management’s work and cooperating with all sections in facilitating their tasks in other sections in the internal and external institution, as well as maintaining the organization and work strategy, and the supervision process is carried out on

Which could be




General Hospital




Studies Analysis Office

Works to provide all the requirements of all sections of the administration in terms of facilitation, submitting the required studies, and reviewing the relevant requests in studies submitted by the sections of the administration

Which could be




General Hospital





Patient Safety and Risk Management Section

This section is specialized in providing logistical support to the hospitals affiliated with the Corporation and the sections concerned with patient safety and risk reports, in addition to offering training programs in patient safety and risk management by coordination with Education and Training

Communication .

Which could be




General Hospital

Supervising all employees of the section




Quality improvement section

It specializes in communicating with hospitals and making contributions to improving the quality of work, in addition to offering educational programs on how to improve quality by coordination with Education and Training Section

Which could be




General Hospital

Supervising all employees of the section



Business Development Section

The objective of the Business Development Section is to provide all the requirements that sections need, communicate with external sections related to development, and facilitate obstacles to the sections

Which could be




General Hospital

Supervising all employees of the section



Education and Training Section

A course is a process of completing the objectives in the training programs of the sections, coordinating with external parties in the process of preparing the venue for lectures, in addition to communicating and coordinating with internal and external sections and hospitals

Which could be




General Hospital

Supervising all employees of the section




Meeting room

Which could be




General Hospital






Training Room


Warehouse Storage Room




  • SP is a reasonable technique that helps us explore and simulate the future.
  • future.
  • Provide guidelines to reveal undiscovered opportunities.
  • Identify potential threats, allowing early action.
  • Strategic Planning establishes precise criteria.
  • Monitoring daily decisions and fragments.
  • Problem-solving, personal value judgments.
  • Decision-making is streamlined.
  • The SP inspires involvement and commitment.
  • Support in aching anticipated goals.
  • Increasing institutional harmony. Strategic planning's downsides(8)


Drawbacks and errors :

Strategic plans often fail because of things like changes in the economy, actions taken by competitors, and/or changes in technology (BPP Learning Media, 2010). Some macroenvironmental factors can change very quickly, which can make it hard to make plans.

When organizations do strategic planning well, it can be expensive, rigid, and take a lot of time. Implementing a strategic plan can sometimes take five or more years. So, the benefits of strategic planning might not be clear right away. (12)

Planning strategically is a very hard thing to do. A study cleared that it has six steps: evaluating the current mission, goals, and strategies; analyzing the environment; re-evaluating the mission and goals; coming up with strategies; putting those strategies into action; and monitoring and evaluating the results. The article "Strategic Planning Process" gives more information about planning in general. (3)

To sum up, the pros and cons of strategic planning are very clear from what has been said above. Despite the criticisms, though, strategic planning is an important part of businesses. It helps organizations make a full assessment of their environments and come up with and use strategies that fit those environments.

We hope that this article about the pros and cons of strategic planning was helpful. You might also be interested in "Strategic alliances: what they are and what kinds there are" and "The difference between strategic risk and operational risk." If you liked this article, you could share it with others by clicking on one of the icons below.(11).



Conclusions and Recommendations:

Facilities must carry out an analysis of the internal environment to identify areas of weakness to develop appropriate strategies, overcome, address, and focus on the causes of its strengths, by attracting qualified and specialized cadres in strategic analysis. It is imperative to design and develop a relevant strategy that helps understand regional and international environmental variables in explaining the nature of regional interactions taking place at the level of the external environment (15).

As it is advised to identify areas of weaknesses, to identify and address their causes, and give more attention to the external environmental analysis, as it provides new opportunities and also tries to avoid the effects of external threats, by optimal utilization of internal strength areas towards supporting the facility strategic position and facing its competitors in the markets .(11)

Increase the facilities managers’ awareness of the concepts of strategic planning through engaging them in training programs and enabling them to increase their skills and capacities in dealing with environmental changes.(3)

The study advised that the administrators should  take the following actions:

1- Holding workshops on communication skills, to encourage social activities and relationships between its Employees. (16).

2- Encouraging Employees to participate in developing all-encompassing plans related to their field of work or business type and explore their attitudes and views before endorsing the strategic plans. Such a step will make them feel they are deeply appreciated and have a significant impact on the facility teams , and such will be positively reflected on the efficiency of their performance. (16)




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