Hand hygiene as a part of infection control at haemodialysis unit

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of public health, Faculty of medicine, Sohag University

2 Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sohag university, Egypt

3 Public health and community medicine


Healthcare-associated infections represent a major risk to patient safety. Among haemodialysis (HD) patients, the first cause of hospitalization is infection. Similar to dialysis staff, HD patients are vulnerable to healthcare-associated infections owing to their prolonged and frequent exposures to many possible contaminants in the dialysis environment. The most important predisposing factors in this case include the extracorporeal nature of the therapy, the associated common environmental conditions, and the immune compromised status of HD patients. HD patients are exposed to different types of infections including bloodstream infections and blood-borne infections with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and/or human immunodeficiency virus, localized infections of the vascular access, and airborne infections. Sources of infections include infected patients in addition to contaminated environmental surfaces, equipment, and water. Out of the proven increased potential for transmission of infections in HD settings, specific and stricter infection prevention and control measures were created and implemented and this was in addition to the usual standard precautions. One of the most common modes of transmission of healthcare-associated infections is the contaminated hands of healthcare workers. Hand hygiene is identified as the most important infection prevention intervention. Interventions to improve compliance with hand hygiene include providing enough sinks with soap dispensers, paper towels, hand lotions and alcohol-based hand rub placed at each patient station, continuous education and monitoring, along with regular feedback of surveillance results. Education and training and full awareness of infection control policies and procedures should be provided to all healthcare workers and should be repeated regularly.
